Sunday 20 May 2012

mama.. happy birthday :')

me and mam =)
Today was my mom's birthday :* Happy birthday mam, loving wishes for you... hope u will always have a good health, love and happiness be with you all the way amiiin :* , always take care and we love you so much :*
Pagi-pagi udah ngasi surprise buat mama hihi :D cuma kado sederhana, tapi semoga ini bermanfaat buat mama =')
kado buat mama =')
spent my Sunday with my lovely family, It was so much FUN than I thought before =) mam,pap,teh,lala... loveyaall ({})
teteh Tyas,papap,mama,tirutkite lagi =D
daaan yaaa kite lagi =D
me and lala
sisters ({})
Dear Mom... thanks for always loving and supporting me, you're the one and only. Dear Mom and Dad... thanks for everything :*
